Department of Microbiology organized an awareness program on the topic ”Introduction To Financial Planning”. This programme was very interactive and useful, 160 students of our department were actively participated and benefited by this program.
Date: 21.01.2025
Resource Person: Dr. A. Mahadevan
SEBI Empanelment of Securities Marketing Trainers.
Mushroom cultivation
Department of Microbiology has started mushroom cultivation unit in the college campus on 15.10.2024. The unit was started on the motto of developing entrepreneurship skill among the students.
Hands on Training and workshop
The two days hands on Training and workshop on the topic ”Extraction of Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgY)”. This programme was very interactive and practical oriented, students learned extraction of antibody from the egg by hands on, which was very beneficial. 55 students from I PG, II PG, III UG & II UG were actively participated and benefited by this program.
Date: 17.10.2024 -18-10-2024
Resource Person : Dr. R. Mahenthiran
Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology
Dr.N.G.P. Arts and science college, Coimbatore.
University Rank Holder 2024
S.U. Varshini of our department (batch 2021-2024) has secured university 8th rank in Bharathiar University examination.
International Microorganism day
Micro-lumina association of our department celebrated an “International Microorganism day” on 19.09.2024. The programme was inaugurated & presided by our principal Dr. A. Mohanasundaram and felicitated by Dr. Chi. Nanjappa, Vice Principal. Various kinds of competitions were held, such as Bio-rangoli, bio-mehandi, drawing, poster presentation, face painting, puzzles and mime show. Students eagerly participated in the competitions with great enthusiasm and displayed their skills. Finally, the programme was completed with great success.
Onam celebration
Department of Microbiology organized Onam celebration on 13.09.2024.The programme was inaugurated & presided by our Chairman Thiru. P. Venkatachalam and Thiru. K. Kaviarasu Trust Member and felicitated by our principal Dr. A. Mohanasundaram.Students celebrated the function by wearing traditional dress and arranging atham with colourful flowers and performing Thiruvathirakali. Finally take a photo with athapoo Kolam.
Freshers Day
Fresher’s day celebration conducted on 23.08.2024 at the college auditorium. Students of III B.Sc and II B. Sc Microbiology co-ordinate the program with a lot of entertaining events and Games for the fresher’s and also they presented memento to the all the fresher’s.
Microlumina association Inauguration
The Microbiology Department inaugurated the Microlumina Association programme on 23.08.2024. Dr. A. Mohanasundaram, Principal delivered the presidential address. The office bearers of our association for this academic year was introduced by Dr.S.Manju Head, of the Department of Microbiology.
Guest Lecture on the topic ” Think Out-Of-The Box”
The Guest Lecture on the topic ” Think Out-Of-The Box” was very interactive and interesting as well as informative session. Program was not only informative but also dispelled the fear among the students and made them aware of the importance of entrepreneurship, scope of the field and how they should understand and excel in Microbiological field. Nearly 160 Students Participated and benefited in the program.
Date: 23.08.2024
Resource Person:
Dr.R. Ranjith Kumar, Ph.D., FERA,
Researcher & CSO, Viyen Biotech LLP, Coimbatore.
Our department offering spirulina production certificate course, totally 63 students are studying in this course. As a part of the certificate course, 58 students and 3 faculty members VISITED SPIRULINA PRODUCTION UNIT, at Futuristic bioscience, Alukuli, Gobichettipalayam on 06.04.2024.
Micro lumina Association Valedictory Function
Department of Microbiology organized Micro lumina Association Valedictory Function on 13.4.24. The ceremony was started with prayer song. Dr. A. Mohanasundaram, Principal and Dr. Chi. Nanjappa, Vice Principal presided the function. Dr. S. Manju, Head of the Department delivered the welcome address. On this occasion, Department News letter was released by our Principal and Vice Principal. On behalf of Microlumina Association various competitions were conducted on different occasions, Shields and certificates were distributed to the Prize winners and participants.
Science Expo- 2024
Micro-Lumina association of our department conducted Science Expo- 2024 on the eve of National Science Day in our college on 28.02.2024. Students of our department displayed various working models related to science and medicine field. Nearly 200 students from various schools in and around Gobichettipalyam visited and viewed the exhibition and benefited.
Micro-Lumina association of our department celebrated “MICRO TALENTINA 2K24” on 26.01.2024. The programme was inaugurated and presided by our principal Dr. A. Mohanasundaram. Students were eagerly participated in various events like solo dance, cook without fire, drawing and bridal makeover.
Extension activity on Awareness Programme
Department of Microbiology and Block Primary Health Centre, Siruvaloor jointly organized an extension activity on Awareness Programme on Deworming on the eve of National Deworming Day – 2024 on 08.02.2024 at Government Higher Secondary School, Vellankoil. Dr. S. Manju, Head, the Department of Microbiology addressed the school students and insights about the effects of worm infestation in human health, way to prevent it and the importance of using deworming tablets. Two faculty members and 7 M.Sc., Microbiology students actively take part in the event
Our department signed MoU with Futuristic Bioscience, Gobi on
Orientation programme on Spirulina production
Department of Microbiology organized an orientation programme on Spirulina production on 10.01.2024. Mr. V. Jothiprashad, Founder & Head, Futuristic Bioscience and E- Commerce Training Center, Gobichettipalayam acted as a resource person and insights about spirulina production, benefits and its economical value.
Industrial Visit
Department of Microbiology arranged an industrial visit to the Pasteur Institute of India, Coonoor on 20.10.2023. 58 students of III B. Sc and I M. Sc Microbiology along with 2 faculty members visited the institute. They had active interactions with industrial experts about vaccine production and its importance.
Industrial Visit
Department of Microbiology arranged an industrial visit to Bargur cattle Research Station, Bargur, Thurusanampalayam on 19.10.2023. 111 students of I B. Sc and II B.Sc Microbiology along with 3 faculty members visited and gained knowledge about cattle conservation and maintenance of indigenous dairy breeds whilst insights about instruments used for preservation and gene sequencing of such a breed.
International Symposium
Department of Microbiology organized an International Symposium on Current Scenario in Life Sciences on September 13 2023. Dr. K. Moorthy, Professor in Medical Microbiology, Department of Medical laboratory Science, School of Pharmacy and Medical Laboratory Science, Institute of Health, Bule Hora University, Ethiopia acted as a resource person and delivered the overview of Antimicrobial Resistance and Challenges in the world. Dr. R. Dhamodharan, Assistant Professor, Mahatma Gandhi Medical Advanced Research Institute, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeeth, Pondicherry also acted as a resource person and insighted about microbiome in human health and disease.
International Microorganism Day celebration
Microlumina Association of Microbiology department organized an International Microorganism Day celebration on 15th September 2023.Various events like Debate, BioRangoli, Bio- Mehandi, Photography, Poster presentation, Face painting, and Bio-Connection were conducted. Students of our department actively participated in the events and explore their talents.
Fresher’s day celebration
Department of Microbiology organized a fresher’s day celebration at the College auditorium. Students of III B. Sc and II B. Sc Microbiology grandly arranged the program with a lot of entertaining events for the freshers and also they presented plant saplings to the buds of our department.
Onam celebration
Department of Microbiology organized Onam celebration on 28.08.2023.Students celebrated the function by wearing traditional dress and arranging atham with colorful flowers. As a celebration highlight, T. Kavinprasath of III BSc Microbiology dressed like Mahabali chackravarthy king and the importance of onam was visualized by video clippings.
Microlumina Association
The Microbiology Department inaugurated the Microlumina Association on 05.08.2023. Dr. S. Manju, Head of the Department welcomed the gathering. Dr. A. Mohanasundaram, Principal delivered the presidential address. The following Students are the office bearers of the association
Chandhru, III BSc Microbiology – President
K.V. Anju Sri, III BSc Microbiology – Secretary
Sankar Ganesh, II BSc Microbiology – Vice President
Sangami, II BSc Microbiology – Treasurer
Bharath, I BSc Microbiology – Joint Secretary
Guest lecture
Department of Microbiology organized a guest lecture Programme on Scope & Applications of microbiology on 5.08.2023 at College auditorium. Dr. R. Bhakyaraj, Head, Department of Microbiology, Shri Nehru Mahavidyalaya College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore acted as a resource person.